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SHAK Makerspace

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Welcome to SHAK

(Spirit of Haynes and Apperson in Kokomo)

We are a community for Makers, Tinkerers, and Builders.

“A Makerspace is a learning environment rich with possibilities. As new hardware and software tools for making, digital design, and fabrication are emerging, we’re working together — with teachers and community leaders — to place those tools into the hands of a wider audience. We’re building the infrastructure for more kids and adults to connect to a future in which they can personally change, modify or “hack” the physical world, creating things that were nearly impossible to do on their own just a few years ago. Making is about getting hands-on, using these new technologies and basic tools, to do real and personally meaningful work.”

Upcoming Events

  • No upcoming events

Make a donation!

The  SHAK maker community is looking for individuals that are inspired by our story and the benefits it will bring to our community.  If you have an old tool in the garage, a service you provide, or just want to help us offset the operational costs.  Please feel free to make a donation

Hours of Operation

SHAK is open to members 24x7  via fob access

Tours at open houses or by appointment 

Contact us by phone, email or send us a Facebook message to set up an appointment.  (see contact info below)

All Member information and images are copyright that member and may only be used with their permission.
SHAK Makerspace is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Address: 210 W Monroe St, Kokomo, Indiana 46901

Phone: (765) 865-8701


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